Mission & Guiding Principles
The Canadian Palestinian Social Association aims to promote the unity of the Palestinians in London and region in Ontario and beyond. We work tirelessly to promote and preserve the Palestinian identity amongst the Palestinians in London Ontario through the execution of various events and activities to introduce the Palestinian culture and heritage to the Canadian larger society.
Guiding Principles
The Palestinian Canadians and Palestinian Immigrants are integral part of the Canada; the Canadian Palestinian Association (referred to here and after as CPSA) confirms its respect and support for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Palestinian Canadians and Palestinian Immigrants are an indivisible part of the Palestinian people. The Canadian Palestinian Association stresses on the importance of unity amongst Palestinians in London and region of Ontario working together to preserve and promote the Palestinian heritage and culture within the larger Canadian society. The Canadian Palestinian Association Oppose all form of discrimination including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia as well as anti-Palestinian sentiment and anti-Palestinian discrimination.
Goals of the CPSA
To promote the unity of the Palestinians in London and region in Ontario and beyond.
To promote and preserve the Palestinian identity amongst the Palestinians in London and region in Ontario through the execution of various events and activities to introduce the Palestinian culture and heritage to the Canadian larger society.
To Strengthen and maintain the social ties between the Palestinians in London and region in Ontario and other Palestinians in Canada and also the other communities in London and region in Ontario and beyond.
To identify, articulate, defend and pursue the rights and interests of the Palestinians in Canada.
To encourage and strengthen the integration of the Palestinians within the larger Canadian society.
To provide the appropriate and necessary help for Palestinians immigrants to settle and integrate into the Canadian society.
Samah Al Sabbagh
Bara Banat
Sarah Elnaffar
Anas Assalah
Mahmoud El Salah
Nehal Al Tarhuni
Ahmed Qraiq
Jamil Bahbah
Ziyad Ali